Company ID

Company name: SMTOURS, d.o.o.
Company address: Ovčakova ulica 12, 1211 Ljubljana - Šmartno, Slovenia, EU
Identification number: 67632831
V.A.T. number: SI67632831
Bank account: IBAN: SI56 1010 000 5327 8603
Code of activity: N 79.120 - Travel organization
Year of founding: 2004
Manager: Malovrh Matej

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Thank you for allowing us to live the dream of travelling on a motorcycle across Europe without the encumbrances and worry of motorcycle procurement, luggage movement, trip organization, and safety.


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+386 30 465 555 / GMT+1h

Adriatic Moto Tours

SMTours d.o.o., Trpinčeva 37a 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, EU

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